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iCALM 2024

Interuniversity Course on Advanced Light Microscopy 2024

Advanced fluorescence microscopy has become increasingly important in life science research in recent years. With this interuniversity course, Flanders BioImaging offers researchers a chance to become familiar with the wide range of advanced techniques available at the microscopy core facilities that are part of Belgium’s Euro-BioImaging Node. During the three-days, participants will be given the theoretical foundations before being immersed in the practical aspects of methods that will allow them to study molecular interactions and dynamics, acquire three-dimensional datasets from large (cm) specimens, and break through the resolution limit in several different ways.

​Each day will focus on a different topic and is based at a single core facility; participants who attend all 3 days will thus have the opportunity to become acquainted with the variety of advanced microscopy techniques available within Flanders that can be employed for their own research questions.

Day 1: 24th October 2024: Antwerp University

Day 2: 14th November 2024: Hasselt University

Day 3: 04th December 2024: KULeuven - VIB

Practical information can be found on the website:

Registratio: please follow this link --  Register


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